frequently asked questions

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Support Questions

  • I cannot see my data after updating. Was it lost?

    No, your data will never be automatically deleted or moved. This might happen in case you cleaned your cache (either manually, by using some 3rd party apps like CCleaner or CleanMyMac, or Operating System update). To restore your data just simply add a new Workspace and select the path where you previously had your data stored

  • Can I import Stacks v. 1.x workspaces?

    Yes, when adding a new workspace you should see a new menu item called "Import Stacks 1 workspace". This will ask for the old path and the new one where it will convert and import all your data.

    N.B. The old workspace will not be changed.

  • Cannot install - "Unknwown publisher" Windows 10/11
    • Right-click on the installer exe or app package and go to Properties.
    • In the General tab, click on the Unblock button at the bottom.
    • Click Apply and then run the installer. The warning should no longer appear.

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Checkout out our General FAQ question and answers for a quick getting started.

We've addressed the most frequently asked questions and guidelines to help you get started with Stacks on the right foot.


Only 64bit binaries are provided for OS X, and the minimum OS X version supported is OS X 10.9.


Works on Windows 7 and later, older OS versions are not supported. Both x86 and amd64 (x64) binaries are provided for Windows and it is not supported in the ARM version of Windows.


Whether the prebuilt binary can run on a distribution depends on whether the distribution includes the libraries that Stacks is linked to on the building platform, so only Ubuntu 18.04 is guaranteed to work, but the following platforms are also verified to be able to run:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 and newer
  • Fedora 24 and newer
  • Debian 8 and newer
Business, Utilities
Requires macOs, Windows
Rating 5 ( ratings)
Price: 49.00