
Contributing to Stacks

Thanks for being interested in contributing to Stacks. So welcome to our community! We're excited to have you join us in contributing to our project.

There are a few ways you can get involved
Open discussions

Share your ideas and thoughts with the community by starting a new discussion in GitHub. We welcome all perspectives and encourage healthy debate.

Join the community

Get to know other members of the community by joining our chat group or attending our virtual meetups.

Answer questions

Help others by answering questions in the discussion group. Your expertise and experience can be valuable to others.

Open bug issues

If you encounter a bug in the software, please open an issue in our bug tracker. This helps us keep track of and fix any issues.

Request feature requests

If there's a feature you'd like to see added, please open a request in our feature tracker. This helps us prioritize and plan future development.

Translate the app

Our app is used by people all around the world, and we want to make it accessible to as many people as possible. If you're fluent in a language other than English, you can contribute by helping us translate the app into other languages.

We value your contributions and appreciate your involvement in our community. Thank you for helping us make our project better!

Business, Utilities
Requires macOs, Windows
Rating 5 ( ratings)
Price: 49.00