Fixed task time logger when switching projects
Fixed deleting a comment not updating comments counter in the task card
Fixed titles in toolbar sometimes stuck on `Loading...`
Fixed Help menu - Open issue not pointing to the correct URL
Fixed New menu item for Task, Project, Folder, Notepad and Bookmark not working
Fixed Buy license menu item not redirecting to the correct URL
Fixed not showing toast when users click the `Check for update` and it is already at the latest verion
Fixed hotkey not working for toggling the Backlog
Fixed attaching and detaching a subtask from its main task
Fixed popup not closing when adding a new document from the sidebar
Fixed removing remote workspace from the sidebar when server is unreachable
Fixed task card date picker not showing the correctly formatted time in dropdown
Fixed keys references in the Hotkeys help dialog for switching workspaces
Fixed notifications on Windows
Fixed spell check not working
Fixed task card not returning the last 2 comments in the comments preview popup
Fixed hotkey on Windows for switching project view
Fixed workspace folder opening twice when using hotkey Ctrl+O
Fixed various typos
Fixed calendar event description rendering
Fixed Timebox toolbar date picker crashing the app when reselecting the date
Fixed error when reading corrupted tasks
Fixed translations not loading in tasks list view
Fixed Task card not showing the last comments in the preview
Fixed Fullscreen hotkey not working on Windows
Fixed hotkey not switching workspaces on windows/linux
Fixed Project settings not setting the project owner